For a better life, you must first start with your thoughts and continuously create healthier thinking.

-Dr. Maria, Be Consciously Healthy


Naturopathic Doctor & Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care – an art, philosophy, science, and practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease. Drawing from traditional healing methods, principles, and practices, Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh, MD, NMD, DipABLM is a Naturopathic Doctor in Hernando County who focuses on holistic, proactive prevention, and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.

Dr. Maria combines the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science to provide comprehensive health care. She emphasizes whole patient wellness – taking into consideration the unique physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of each patient.

Dr. Maria, or Dr. M, as she is often called, has a deep belief and respect for the innate healing capability of the body and its ability to restore and maintain optimal health. Dr. Maria teaches her patients to use diet, exercise, lifestyle choices, and cutting-edge natural therapies to enhance this innate ability to ward off and combat disease.


Appointment Requirements


Lab Tests

All lab tests recommended are the responsibility of the client and the results are sent directly to Dr. Maria at Integrative Healing at OM, LLC.

It is required that results are reviewed during an in office or phone appointment. For existing clients, a 60-minute follow-up appointment is recommended to review test results.

If you are a new client, an initial 90-minute appointment is recommended. This includes medical history review as well as test results and analysis.

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine


The Healing Power of Nature

It is the responsibility of the physician to facilitate healing by removing any obstacles that may be interfering with a person’s inherent self-healing process.

The healing process is ordered and intelligent. The body has the inherent ability, vitality, to not only heal itself and restore health but also to ward off disease. Illness is not caused simply by an invasion of external agents or germs but is a manifestation of the organism’s attempt to defend and heal itself.

The Naturopathic Physicians’ role is to identify and remove agents blocking the healing process, bolster the patient’s healing capacity and support the creation of a healthy internal and external environment.

Treat the Whole Person

Health and disease result from a complex interaction of physical, mental, emotional, genetic, spiritual, environmental, social and other factors. The harmonious functioning of all aspects of the individuals essential to health. Within the body, the different systems are intimately connected, dynamically balanced. “Dis-ease” or imbalance in one part directly affects- may cause disease in – other parts of that whole. There is never a single cause for disease. All the “pieces” must be integrated in order to create a whole picture of a person’s health.

Identify and Treat the Cause

Naturopathic Medicine seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness, rather than to suppress symptoms.

Illness does not occur without cause and symptoms (nausea, rash, headache) are not the cause of illness. Symptoms are signals that the body is out of balance and are an expression of the body’s attempt to heal itself. Causes originate on many levels but are often found in the patient’s lifestyle, diet, habits, or emotional state. When only the symptoms are treated, the underlying causes remain, and the patient may develop a more serious, chronic condition.

First, Do No Harm

Naturopathic Doctors utilize methods and medicine, which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat.

Respecting the inherent ability of the organism to heal itself, the physician must be ever mindful of the consequences or side effects of treatment. The more gentle and non-invasive the therapy, the less disruptive it will be to the patient’s integral whole. Whenever possible, suppression of symptoms is avoided, as suppression may interfere with the healing process.

Doctor as Teacher

Doctors who practice naturopathic medicine take time to educate each patient and to help them to understand their responsibility in their healthcare.

The original meaning of the word “doctor” was “teacher.” A physician is a facilitator for a patient’s healing process. One of the physician’s principal responsibilities is to educate the patient and encourage self-responsibility for health. A cooperative doctor-patient relationship has inherent therapeutic value.


The Naturopathic Doctor understands the importance of disease prevention and incorporates the above principles to guide their patients toward optimal health.

Health is a reflection of how we choose to live. Physicians help patients recognize their choices and how those choices affect their health. The physician assesses risk factors and hereditary susceptibility to disease and makes appropriate intervention to prevent illness.

Call us today at 352-254-8090 to schedule

your appointment